So i'm watching this tv show called Love Monkey. Stars the guy from Ed who played Ed. It's about this music exec/talent scout (i can't tell which, exactly) who's great with music, but not so good with relationships. At first, the show started and it was all about music and plot, and I'm loving it. Then, all of a sudden, the plot disappears and it's all about relationships and character development, to the point where you need a vagina just to watch the crap. And I'm about to turn the channel, when it goes back to the cool music stuff, so I start watching again, and I realize they've skipped some important plot stuff, or at least shortcutted some of it to make time for the relationship crap.
And it finally hits me what this show is about. They made this show for women to watch with their boyfriends. But instead of appealing equally to them both (which would be the preferable way to go), each person will like half and hate the other half. They've made a show that's half-crap. Half-crap doesn't last. It's gotta make up its mind and go guy or go girl.
One interesting twist that has piqued my interest is the hot ex-baseball star friend of "Ed"'s who is secretly gay. (Gays are all the rage on chick-shows.) But even here, look what they did. They took a character who's an athletic baseball star (to make the boyfriends happy) but who is also gay (to make the girls happy). They can't even make up their mind on a character-by-character basis!
And it finally hits me what this show is about. They made this show for women to watch with their boyfriends. But instead of appealing equally to them both (which would be the preferable way to go), each person will like half and hate the other half. They've made a show that's half-crap. Half-crap doesn't last. It's gotta make up its mind and go guy or go girl.
One interesting twist that has piqued my interest is the hot ex-baseball star friend of "Ed"'s who is secretly gay. (Gays are all the rage on chick-shows.) But even here, look what they did. They took a character who's an athletic baseball star (to make the boyfriends happy) but who is also gay (to make the girls happy). They can't even make up their mind on a character-by-character basis!
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