Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What I want from the Democratic Party if they ever want me to vote for them again

I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I'm tired of voting *against* the Republicans instead of *for* the Democrats. And so I've decided not to do it anymore until the Dems can prove themselves worthy.

1. Use the word “lied.” I am tired of people saying that the President “mislead” the American people, that people “misconstrued” his statements. He LIED! He’s a dirty LIAR! Why won’t the Democrats say it?! He lied to us and to the world. Willfully, intentionally, and repeatedly.

2. Call yourself “Liberals” and define the term for the American people. Democrats run from the “Liberal” label like it’s a dirty word. I’m a liberal and I’m proud of it. Liberals believe that government should be for the good of the people. That it’s the government’s job to help its citizens. Liberals believe that billionaires should pay a higher tax rate than people living in squalor. Liberals believe that threats and brute force and armed invasion of other countries should be used only as a last resort rather than as a primary tactic in solving international disputes. Liberals think that killing people is wrong and therefore oppose the death penalty. Liberals believe that corporations do not deserve the same rights as human beings. Liberals believe that people should have medical care and a good education. Liberals believe in a minimum wage that lets people live above the poverty line. They believe that people should not be allowed to roam the streets carrying automatic weapons. They believe that public transportation is a good thing. They support laws that fight discrimination. Liberals believe that without laws to prevent it, corporations will put profits ahead of people. Liberals believe that people should be allowed to practice their own religion whatever it may be and not have someone else’s religious beliefs forced on them. If you believe these things, then you are a liberal too.

3. Oppose the war. Dammit! The war is wrong. SAY IT! SAY IT! This is a war that was based on LIES. (remember? "lies," that word that the Democrats won't say?) It has killed tens of thousands of innocent people. It has destroyed families, ruined the credibility and respect of the United States around the world, destabilized the Middle East, and threatened our national security more than it ever was before 9/11. And yet the Democrats still won’t take a stand.

4. Make the case for gay marriage. There is an excellent case to be made for civil gay marriage. If the Democrats *honestly* believe that gays and lesbians should not be allowed to get married the same way heterosexual people are, then they are every bit the bigots that the Republicans are. The Dems are always saying, “I believe in civil unions for gay couples, but marriage should be reserved for heterosexuals.” They are saying--in a very literal way--that gay people should not have the same rights as straight people. Replace the word “gay” in that sentence with the word “black” or “muslim” or “handicapped” and see if you can get away with a statement like that.

5. Stand up for the separation of church and state. Explain that you can be religious on your own time, and that if your religious beliefs interfere with your ability to fulfill your duties as a judge or lawmaker or fireman or army sergeant or teacher, then you need to find a new line of work. Explain that allowing one religion into government means allowing them all. For the Christians out there who want prayer in schools, how would you feel if your child recited a Muslim prayer at the dinner table he'd learned in school that day, or started doing Buddhist meditation after watching a fellow student or teacher do the same during "quiet time" ? Religion is an important part of our country, our society, and the world, but it must remain separate from government. So why won't the Democrats just say so?

What all of this comes down to is: “Do the right thing.” The reason that the Democrats do NONE of these things is that they are afraid of offending people. They are afraid of losing votes. Well NEWS FLASH: You’re already losing votes! You control ZERO out of three branches of government. Do you think George Freaking Bush cares what people think of him?! Do you think Carl Rove or Dick Cheney are afraid of losing votes by making unpopular decisions or passing laws that piss people off?? Hell no. They have an agenda. They know exactly what they want to do, they announce what they’re going to do, and then they go do it. A little more than half of the voters cheer, the rest boo and cry and hiss, and the result is the government that we live with today.

Are you going to lose votes by opposing the war, supporting gay marriage, and otherwise standing up for what’s right? Damn straight. But you’ll gain votes too, and whether you're elected or not, you can go to bed safe in the knowledge that the votes you DID get didn’t come from bigotted uncaring warmongering conservatives who think that their own welfare and religious beliefs are more important than everyone else’s.

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