Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Let's get ready to rumble!

Patrick Leahy just made an extraordinary comment on the Jim Lehrer News Hour (or whatever it’s called now).  He said he hoped that the President’s nominee for Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat on the Supreme Court was someone who would unite and not divide the country, so that the issue of a filibuster wouldn’t even arise.  I say it’s extraordinary because the thought of such a nominee hadn’t even crossed my mind.  I can’t even imagine the President nominating someone who won’t draw a party-line or close-to-party-line (there are always a few senators who think the Senate’s job is to rubber stamp the Presdient’s nominees.  I don’t vote for those Senators.) vote.  But wow, wouldn’t it be wonderful?  Imagine a nominee that would get 75%+ of the vote in the Senate!!

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