Thursday, July 07, 2005

Wild Blue Yonder

Who knew that there was a 5:00 in the MORNING too? Well, I gues I'd heard rumors, but now I know for sure. We went to bed at 1am and we're catching a plane at 7:30 to Toronto, so we got up at five. FIVE!

We're going to a wedding, and then staying a few more days after that. I'm too tired to type more, and we have to leave for the airport in 17 minutes.

I had a bowl of All Bran and now I have to finish packing. Talk to you all soon.


Holy crap. It's 5:43am and the skateboarders are going by outside my house. What's up with that? I can hear them roll by as I type. They're usually out there rolling around pretty late, too.

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