Friday, July 15, 2005

Photoshop Blog

Am I the only one who thinks that the Photoshop Blog sucks?  It’s not the content that bothers me, but the design.  It is one of the most cluttered, hard-to-read pages I’ve ever come across.  And I’ve seen some real crap.  I don’t know what it is exactly, but every time I go to the page (which is every day or two—gotta keep current, after all!), I just see this big blur of words that makes me sigh in the way that you sigh when your boss hands you a huge file of papers to work on says, “I want this done by the end of the day.”  It’s like wading waist-deep through a swamp.  The Unofficial Photoshop Blog, although not wonderful, is much more pleasant to deal with.  Bright high(er)-contrast colors that don’t make me want to fall asleep, bigger font size, etc.   I’m just disappointed with the Photoshop Blog.  You kind of expect more from a blog about a product that is all about graphic design.

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